Cape Perpetua Visitor Center

Cape Perpetua Visitors Center Sign, 3 miles S of downtown Yachats, OR

  • The information window at Devils Churn (MP 165.5) is now open daily from 10am to 4pm through summer. Stop by and say hi to the great volunteers. Merchandise and passes from Discover Your Northwest are available for purchase with debit/credit card only. Visitors can use the self-service fee station for cash day-pass purchases.
  • Cape Perpetua Visitor Center (MP 166) will remain closed until further notice. While closed, the Center will not be doing any of its regular interpretive programming (guided hikes, etc.), including trail roving. However, the parking lot, restroom, and scenic area trails are open during daylight hours.
  • The Visitor Center’s parking area is the hub for the scenic area’s trailheads. Before heading out, please check for trails status updates.
  • The Field Ranger program is very much scaled back with only a couple of leads, working mostly virtually.
  • Cape Perpetua Campground and Tillicum Beach Campground have reopened seasonally. Expect limited or no services.

The Cape Perpetua Visitor Center includes a panoramic ocean view, a deck with viewing scopes, natural and cultural history exhibits, a theater with nature films, and a gift shop. Summer Ranger Forest to Sea Programs, Marine Reserve Education and Activities, and Guided Walks are scheduled here, as is a Saturday Speakers Series in winter and other seasonal programs, such as Spring, Winter, and Summer Whale Watch.

The U.S. Forest Service maintains the Cape’s 26 miles of interconnected hiking trails through coastal mature and old-growth rainforest, to breathtaking vistas, tidepools, and the beach. Trails range in length from a fraction of a mile to 10 miles, and from easy to difficult. The scenic area’s viewpoints and trails are open to the public year-round. Some of the trails are wheelchair accessible, and one 6-mile loop trail is open for mountain biking. 

Fees: $5/vehicle/day use fee or valid recreation pass or Oregon Coast Passport
Restrictions: Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet in the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area.